Private Policy | QUICK LASER
Private Policy

Private Policy

Privacy Policy of Official Website of Suzhou Quick Laser Technology Co., Ltd

Thank you for visiting the website of Suzhou Quick Laser Technology Co., Ltd (hereinafter short for “QUICK LASER”). QUICK LASER attaches high importance on the security of your personal information, and we would like to extend our sincere thanks for your trust and support to QUICK LASER.
In order to further safeguard your right to be informed, we hereby formulate the Privacy Policy of Official Website of Suzhou Quick Laser Technology Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “the Privacy Policy”) to help you clearly understand: how we collect and use your information, how we protect your personal information, and what rights you have as the subject of the personal information.
The Privacy Policy is applicable to all services of QUICK LASER available for you. The website and page of QUICK LASER (including and sub-pages for detailed information under the website) are all subject to the Privacy Policy. The Website of QUICK LASER may contain some links navigating to any websites of other parties like suppliers. These websites are not within the coverage of the Privacy Policy. In visiting these websites and browsing the relevant information, you shall be subject to the relevant policies announced by these websites or the relevant agreements signed between you and such third-party platforms. QUICK LASER will not be liable for any legal consequence arising from breaching behaviors of any third-party platform. If any other websites, applications or products of QUICK LASER have any separate privacy policy and do not attach the link of the Privacy Policy, then the corresponding privacy policies of them shall prevail. In case any uncovered content in such policy is regulated in this Privacy Policy, the content in the Privacy shall apply.
QUICK LASER knows well the importance of personal information to you, and will do utmost to protect the security and reliability of your personal information. We devote ourselves to maintaining your trust to us, and keeping to the following principles: consistency between rights and responsibilities, definite purposes, selection and consents, minimum use, security guaranteed, participation of main subject, openness and transparency, etc. At the same time, QUICK LASER promises that we will take corresponding security protection measures to protect your personal information according to requirements of applicable laws and rules.
Before using our products or services, please guarantee that you have carefully read and thoroughly understand all contents of the Privacy Policy, especially those clauses highlighted with bold letters/bold letters together with underlines. Any start using the product or service after you have confirmed your thorough understanding and consent of such clauses. If you disagree with any contents of the Privacy Policy, please stop using immediately. If you have any doubt, opinions or suggestions about any content of the Privacy Policy, you may contact with us through any contact information set forth in the Privacy Policy.

The Privacy Policy will facilitate you to understand the following contents:
1.How we collect and use your personal information
2.How we share, transfer and make public disclosure to your personal information
3.How we store and protect your personal information
4.Your rights
5.How we process the personal information of minors
6. How your personal information will be transferred in the global scale
7. How the Privacy Policy will be updated
8. How to get in touch with us.

1. How we collect and use your personal information
1.1 Private Users
To provide better services to private users, QUICK LASER may collect the following information for the purpose of answering your questions, processing and executing your consulting requests, conducting technical management, repair and maintenance services, and offering relevant services in the corresponding websites or applications. The information collected by us may include your name, your address (zip code, city, street, house number and supplementary information of address (if required)), your e-mail address, your date of birth, your gender, your telephone number and/or mobile phone number, etc.
Contact with you via telephone. If you agree with our privacy policy and provide your telephone number in initiating any consulting request, we will use the telephone number to call you and forward your consulting request to our cooperation partner for the sole purpose of fulfilling the consulting services for you. That would facilitate us to check the accuracy of your information, discuss your projects and recommend you to corresponding professional companies.
Contact with you via e-mail. If you agree with our privacy policy and offer your e-mail address in initiating any consulting request, we will inform the current status of your consulting request through e-mail.
Advertisements and Advertising Permission: If you clearly inform us that you agree to use your personal information for advertising purpose, QUICK LASER will inform the information about products and services of QUICK LASER through e-mail, post services or telephone. If you have already agreed with the above purpose, but would not like to receive any advertisements or surveys from QUICK LASER in the future any more, you could withdraw your permission from time to time. In such cases, relevant information about you will be deleted. If you have any doubt about any advertisements received, you may contact QUICK LASER through the contact information disclosed in the Privacy Policy.
1.2 Business Partners
These clauses of the Privacy Policy are only applicable to dealers and cooperation partners of QUICK LASER.
Business partners may need to provide personal information to use the corresponding website and applications of QUICK LASER. To be specific, below scenarios may be included (if have):
Function I: account registration on the platform
To create an account, you need to provide your mobile phone number, name, name (or code) of the dealer, position information to use the login system to log into the corresponding platform.
Function II: account registration on the cooperation partners platform
In addition to the personal information listed in Function I, you still need to provide your person information like e-mail address and postal address to create an account and use the functions like sales clue and information management, product registration, gift exchanges, etc.
Function III: Registration on the After-sales Rating Platform
In addition to the personal information in Function I and Function II, you still need to submit your personal information like professional background, industrial experience, portrait and training and assessment information to create an account in the after-sales rating system and use service functions like rating management for after-sales staff, tracking of after-sales services, etc.
1.3 Job Applicant
The clauses of the Privacy Policy in this section are mainly applicable to job applicants of the recruitment information of QUICK LASER that have submitted their personal information to QUICK LASER as a part of the application process, including the personal information submitted through paper documents, e-mail, electronic forms in the recruitment program or website operated by QUICK LASER, or electronic forms submitted through any third-party recruitment service provider.
QUICK LASER will use the personal information voluntarily provided by applicants in the recruitment work.
If your application sent through paper document or electronic form does not correspond with any recruitment information, we will deem as that you have agreed to preserve your data into our system for our future consideration of other recruitment information.
1.4 Processing for Data arising from Your Visit on the Website of QUICK LASER
In order to conduct data analysis and study, improve our services and guarantee the security of the services offered, when you have any interactive activities with our brand, website and applications, we may collect relevant information to learn about how users use such brand, website and applications.
QUICK LASER may automatically collect information sent to us through your browser (include your information automatically searched and sorted by the browser when you visit this website, including but not limited to visit time, visit times, page visited, browsing duration and so forth of users. These data are collected for summarizing the traffic data of the website to improve our website management and optimize the website services), and preserve such information into the log documents of our server. The above information may include type/version of the browser, operating system used, host name (IP address) of the computer used in visiting the website, request time of the server, etc.
QUICK LASER will not use these data to identify any specific groups or confirm your identity, nor compile such data with any other data sources. These data will only be used for our internal statistics and analysis.
1.5 Other Purposes
We will ask for your consent in advance if we intend to use your personal information into any purpose other than those specified in the Privacy Policy. We will also acquire your consent in advance if we intend to use your personal information collected for any specific purpose into any other purpose.
1.6 Exception for Circumstances with Obtained Authorization and Consent
In accordance with regulations of applicable laws, administrative rules and national standards, we may duly collect and use your personal information without your consent under the following circumstances:
(1) Mandatory for the execution and performance of any contract where the individual is a contracting party, or mandatory for the human resource management as per labor rules and regulations duly formulated and collective contract duly signed;
(2) Required for the performance of any statutory duties and obligations;
(3) Required for protecting the life health and property safety of natural persons in front of any public health accident or emergent situation;
(4) Proper processing of personal information within a reasonable scope in activities for the public interests like news reports and public opinion-based oversight;
(5) Properly process the personal formation duly disclosed by the individual or other personal information duly disclosed within the reasonable scope according to regulations of the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China;
(6) Other circumstances regulated by applicable laws and rules.
Where we stop the operation of our website or services, we will stop activities about the collection of your personal information in time. The operation termination notice will be informed to you through one-to-one notice or public announcement. In such cases, deletion or anonymization treatment would be arranged for all your personal information in our procession.
2. How we share, transfer and make public disclosure to your personal information
2.1 Share
We will treat your personal information in a prudent and confidential manner. Except for any of the following circumstances, we will never disclose any of your personal information to any third party or the public without your consent:
1. The acquisition of the separate prior consents;
2. Share required for the fulfillment of any statutory obligations: we may share your personal information according to regulations of applicable laws and rules, necessities of litigation and dispute settlement, requirements duly initiated by administrative or judicial authorities, or requirements for the fulfillment of statutory obligations;
3. We may share your personal information with the parent company or any affiliates of QUICK LASER. We will only share the required personal information, and the sharing will constantly be subject to purpose specified in the Privacy Policy. In the event that we intend to share any of your sensitive information or any of all related party intends to using and processing purpose of your personal information, we will apply for your authorization and consent again.
4. Private users: upon your consent, we will forward your personal information to the professional dealer cooperating with us in the region where you located. Such information will facilitate the dealer to provide expert advices and/or services about purchase, maintenance or repair of relevant products. The professional partner will be required to get in touch with you within the fixed hours to provide the expert advices and/or quotes you required. For this reasons, QUICK LASER or its cooperation partner may contact with your through e-mails and/or telephone.
5. Share with Service Providers. We will send the information to other types of service providers supporting our business around the world (including server trust agencies, express service enterprise, payment service provider, network management service provider, and credit rating agency). These supports include technical services about fundamental facilities, analysis of the using method of our services, evaluation of the effectiveness of advertisement and services, offering of services to customers, convenience of payment or academic research and investigation.
In terms of companies, organizations and individuals receiving the information shared by us, we will sign strict confidentiality agreement with them, which would require them to take relevant confidential and security measures to process personal information according to requirements of our data protection specification, the Privacy Policy and other relevant regulations.
2.2 Transfer
We will never transfer any of your personal information to any companies, organizations and individual except for the following circumstances:
1. Transfer after acquiring the obvious consent: we will only transfer your personal information to other party after getting your obvious consent.
2. If any merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation involved with the transfer of any personal information, we will require the new company and organization that would hold your personal information to continue accepting the restrictions of this privacy policy. Otherwise, we will require such company and organization to re-apply for the authorization and consent from you.
2.3 Public Disclosure
We will only disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:
1. Disclose the personal information designated by you after getting your expressed consent;
2. Disclosure made on the basis of laws: we may make public disclosure of your personal information according to laws, legal procedure, litigation or mandatory requirements of competent governmental agencies.
2.4 Exceptions for the Acquisition of Prior Authorization and Consent before Any Sharing, Transfer and Disclosure of Personal Information
Under the following circumstances, the sharing, transfer and public disclosure of your personal information do not need to get your authorization and consent in advance:
1. Mandatory for the execution and performance of any contract where the individual is a contracting party, or mandatory for the human resource management as per labor rules and regulations duly formulated and collective contract duly signed;
2. Required for the performance of any statutory duties and obligations;
3. Required for protecting the life health and property safety of natural persons in front of any public health accident or emergent situation;
4. Proper processing of personal information within a reasonable scope in activities for the public interests like news reports and public opinion-based oversight;
5. Properly process the personal formation duly disclosed by the individual or other personal information duly disclosed within the reasonable scope according to regulations of the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China;
6. Other circumstances regulated by applicable laws and rules.
3. How we store and protect your personal information
3.1 We have already adopted security protection measures conforming to the industry standards to provide your personal information, and prevent the data from unauthorized access, public disclosure, using, modification, damage or missing. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information. We will apply encryption techniques to guarantee the confidentiality of data; we will adopt reliable protection mechanism to prevent the data from malicious attacks; we will deploy access control mechanism to guarantee that only authorized persons could access the personal information; we will organize training programs about security and privacy protection to strengthen the awareness of employees for the importance of the protection of personal information.
3.2 In terms of the application of the data, we will strictly abide by minimum authorization principle for operators authorized to access the data, in which only operators with the access requirement for duty performance could only use the least enough personal information, and the operators authorized will only be granted with the minimum data operation authority required for the fulfillment of their duties and responsibilities. In addition, we also set examination and approval procedure for important operations of data, and arrange the separate setting for roles like security administrators, data operators and examination person. In terms of data transmission, we adopt encryption techniques to protect the data transmitted. In the local storage of the data, we will also apply encryption techniques to protect the data.
3.3 We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to avoid collecting any irrelevant personal information. Unless otherwise required for the extension of the preservation or regulated by applicable laws, we will only preserve your personal information within the shortest time required by the purpose specified in the Privacy Policy. Upon the expiration of the preservation of your personal information, we will arrange deletion or anonymization treatment for your personal information according to requirements of applicable laws.
3.4 Internet is not an environment under absolute status. E-mails, instant messages and other communication methods with users are not encrypted, so we strongly recommend you avoid using such approaches to send your personal information. Please use a complicate password to assist us in protecting the security of your account.
3.5 The Internet environment is not 100% safe, and we will do our utmost to guarantee the security of the information sent by you. If the damage of our physical, technical or management or protection facilities has resulted in unauthorized access, public disclosure, manipulation or destruction of your information, leading to damage to your interests, we will undertake the corresponding legal consequence. However, the leakage, missing, embezzlement or manipulation of personal materials caused by hacker attack, virus invasion or attack, control of governmental authorities and other force majeure event are not within our responsibilities.
3.6 Upon the occurrence of any security event about personal information, we will inform you in time according to requirements of applicable laws, including the basic situations and possible consequence of the security events, measures taken or will be taken, suggestions about your protection and risk reduction measures, remedial measures for you, etc. We will inform the relevant information about the event through e-mails, letters, telephone, messages and other relevant methods. If it is difficult to inform each subject of the information, we will take reasonable and effective method to release an announcement. At the same time, we will also report the handling results of security event about personal information according to requirements of the regulatory authorities.
4. Your rights
We hope to collect and use your personal information in a transparent manner, and try to provide convenient options for selection to facilitate to exercise your rights of personal information like access, update, deletion and any other relevant right about personal information.
In accordance with the applicable laws, rules and standards of China, and by reference to the practices of other countries and regions, we will guarantee that you could exercise the following rights to your personal information:
4.1 Access your personal information
Unless otherwise prohibited by applicable laws and regulations, you shall have the right to access your personal information. If you would like to exercise your right to access the information, you may access the information through any of the following methods:
Account information -if you would like to visit or edit your personal information and payment information in your account, update your password or change the address information, you may visit the official website of QUICK LASER at www. to complete such operations.
If you fail to access your personal information in our possession through our website, you could contact with our customer service staff through the contact information disclosed in the Privacy Policy at any time required to initiate all requests other than the modification of your password. The above request will not generate any expense.
We will reply to your service request within 15 working days. Warm tips: upon the receipt of your access request, we may verify your identity (refer to 4.7 of the Privacy Policy) to guarantee the security of your personal information. If the verification is passed, we would provide an overview about your information in our possession.
4.2 Correct your personal information
If you discover any mistake in your personal information, you have the right to require us to correct such information. You may initiate a correction application through any method in 4.1 (Access Your Personal Information) of the Privacy Policy.
If you fail to correct such personal information through our website, you could contact with our customer service staff through the contact information disclosed in the Privacy Policy at any time required and initiate requests other than the modification of your password. The above request will not generate any expense.
We will reply to your correction request within 15 working days. Warm tips: upon the receipt of your correction request, we may verify your identity (refer to 4.7 of the Privacy Policy) to guarantee the security of your personal information. If the verification is passed, we would assist you in completing the correction of the relevant personal information.
4.3 Delete your personal information
Under the following circumstances, you may initiate a request about the deletion of your personal information through any method disclosed in the Privacy Policy:
1. If our processing of the personal information has violated applicable laws and regulations;
2. If we collect or use your personal information without getting your consent;
3. If our processing behaviors for the personal information has violated any agreement reached with you;
4. If our processing purpose of the information is already achieved, could not be achieved or becomes unnecessary;
5. If we stop providing the products or services, or the preservation period of the information expires.
If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also inform other entities that have acquired your personal information from us, and require them to delete the personal information at the same time. However, we will not require such entities to delete your personal information if the applicable laws and regulations have any requirement to the contrary or such entities have acquired any separate authorization from you.
Please be acknowledged that we may fail to delete the corresponding information from our backup system immediately the deletion of the information in our services for technical reasons. However, the information will be deleted in future update of the backup files.
In addition, if you are a job applicant, we will only use your personal information to process your job application. Application documents in paper version submitted will be retained in the recruitment process. If the job applicant is employed by us, manual deletion of the personal information will be made no earlier than one week after the official employment. If you fail to get the job, your application information will be transferred into the talent pool of QUICK LASER. In such cases, we will inform you and delete your information at your request. If you want to delete them, you may contact with us through the contact information disclosed in the Privacy Policy.
4.4 Change the Scope of Your Consent and Authorization
Each business function will require some basic personal information to complete (refer to Part I of the Privacy Policy). As for the collection and use of additional personal information, you may set your consent and authorization in the official website of QUICK LASER, or contact with our customer service staff or contact with us through the contact information in the Privacy Policy to grant or cancel your authorization and consent.
If you have canceled your consent, we will not process the corresponding personal information. Your decision about the cancellation of the consent will not influenced the processing of personal information made previously on the basis of your authorization.
If you would not like to receive our marketing information, you may cancel the consent at any time required. All marketing news of us contain a convenient option for stopping receiving the notice, like the links for subscription cancellation. You may also select stop the subscription of news in special channels (like e-mails or messages). The subscription cancellation method in included in the news you received from such channel. Some of our (mobile) applications may also sent some news like push information to you. You may change the setting of your mobile phone or setting of the applications to disable such information, or select to delete such applications to stop receiving such information.
If you neither would like to receive our news, nor permit us to use your information into any marketing purpose, you may send your request through the unsubscribe link contained in the news, or contact with us through the contact information disclosed in the Privacy Policy.
4.5 Cancel Registration of Account of the Subject of Personal Information
If you would like to cancel the registration of any of your account, you may exercise your registration cancellation rights through the contact information disclosed in the Privacy Policy.
Unless otherwise regulated by applicable laws and regulations, we will stop providing services to you after the cancellation of your account, and delete your personal information according to your requirements.
4.6 Restrict the automatic decision-making of the information system
In some business functions, we may make decisions solely based on non-manual automatic decision-making mechanisms like the information system, algorithm, etc. If such decision has any obvious influence to your legitimate interests, you have the right to require us to make expectations, and we will provide appropriate remedial measures accordingly.
4.7 Response to your above requests
For security consideration, you may need to submit written request or use any other approach to prove your identity. We may require you to verify your identity before processing your request.
We will provide response within 15 working days. If you are dissatisfied with the response, you may complain through any of the following approaches:
E-mail: , please specify “Complaint”.
In principle, we will not charge any expense for your reasonable request. The repeated requests and request beyond the reasonableness limit, however, we may charge certain cost and expenses according to the actual situations. As for unreasonably repeated requests, requests requiring for multiple technical means (like the requirements for the development of any new system or requirements for the fundamental change of the prevailing practices), requests bringing any risks to the legitimate interests of others and unrealistic requests (like requests involving with information stored in the backup disk), we have the right to reject your request.
According to requirements of applicable laws and rules, we could not respond to your request in the following circumstances:
1. Request with direct connection with the national defense and security;
2. Request with direct connection with the public security, public health and major public interests;
3. Request with direct association with crime detection, indictment, judgment, sentence execution, etc.;
4. The existence of any sufficient evidences indicating your malicious use or abuse of your rights;
5. The response to your request will result in serious damage of the legitimate rights of you or any other individual or organization.
6. The involvement in any business secrets.
5. How we process the personal information of minors
Unless otherwise agreed by the parents or guardian, minors shall not create their own accounts. If you are a minor, you are suggested to ask your parent or guardian to carefully read the Privacy Policy, and use our services or provide information to us after getting the consent from your parent or guardian. For the personal information of any minor collected from the using of our products or services upon the consent of the parent or guardian of the minor, we will only use, share, transfer or disclose such information within the scope permitted by applicable laws and rules, obviously agreed by the parent or guardian, or required by the protection of minors.
6. How your personal information will be transferred in the global scale
In principle, personal information collected from and generated in the territory of the People’s Republic of China will be preserved in the territory of the People’s Republic of China.
On account that we provide products or services through resources and serves distributed around the world, after getting your separate consents, your personal information may be transferred to any overseas country or region where the products or services are located, or received accesses from such country or region. We will strictly observe various requirements about cross-border transmission of data in relevant laws, and take corresponding measures to guarantee the security of your personal information, including the arrangement of cross-border security evaluation, signature of cross-border transmission agreements for data, identification removal of data, etc.
7. How the Privacy Policy will be updated
As the addition of new products and applications, improvement in our current products and services, development of the technologies and amendments to the laws, we may update the Privacy Policy from time to time.
You may check the “Update Date” on the top of this page to identify the latest revision date of the Privacy Policy. Once announced, the changes in any revised Privacy Policy will become effective immediately.
In case of major changes, we will send notice to you. In the presence of any regulations in applicable laws, we will get your consent in advance.
Unless otherwise consented by you, we will never reduce any rights enjoyed by you in the Privacy Policy. We will release all changes made to the Privacy Policy in this page.
As for major changes, we will provide more eye-catching notices (for example, we may send notices through e-mails or messages for some certain services to describe the specific contents of changes in the Privacy Policy).
Major changes referred to in the Privacy shall include but not limited to:
1. Major changes in our service patterns. Like processing purpose of personal information, types of the personal information processed, using patterns of the personal information, etc.;
2. Major changes of our company in ownership structure, organizational structure, etc.; Like changes in owners arising from business adjustment, bankruptcy and merger;
3. Change in the main objects for the sharing, transfer or public disclosure of personal information;
4. Major changes in your participation rights in the processing of the personal information, and major change in the exercising method of your rights;
5. Changes of our company in the responsible departments, contact information and compliant channels for the security of personal information;
6. The security impact analysis report for personal information indicates the existence of high risk.
We will also preserve old versions of the Privacy Policy for your reference.
8. How to get in touch with us.
We have established a special department for the protection of personal information. If you have any doubt, opinions or suggestions about the Privacy Policy, please contact with us through the following contact information:
Telephone: +86 0512 6265 3308
Generally, we will reply within 15 working days. If you are dissatisfied with our response, especially when any preprocessing behavior about the personal information has damaged your legitimate interests, you may initiate a litigation in a court with the jurisdiction rights over the place of the defendant to resolve the controversy.