QUICK LASER empowers construction machinery | QUICK LASER


Construction machinery is an important part of the equipment manufacturing industry. At present, my country has become a large construction machinery and equipment manufacturing country with complete categories, large scale, solid foundation and strong competitiveness.

As the construction machinery industry is transforming towards intelligence and greenness, laser processing has become an important tool to promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction machinery industry. More and more manufacturing enterprises choose laser cutting machines for processing operations.


Jining Yixiang Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. in Jining City, Shandong Province is one of them. The company takes the processing of spare parts of construction machinery equipment as its core competitiveness, and has achieved rapid growth under the leadership of General Manager Chen Jizhong.


Farsightedness and sagacity lead to fast radium


At the beginning of its establishment in 2003, Jining Yixiang started with only a few CNC machine tools. In 2016, as laser processing gradually entered the public eye, the boss Chen Jizhong seized opportunities with a forward-looking vision and introduced a small laser cutting machine for the first time.


In 2020, with the continuous expansion of the company’s production scale and the improvement of the requirements for the processing accuracy of mechanical parts, Jining Yixiang decided to invest funds to purchase a few more high-power laser cutting machines. Knowing that QUICK LASER‘s high power and tube cutting machines have a good reputation, they introduced QUICK LASER BK series medium-load laser tube cutting machines and 12000W fiber laser cutting machines.


After the equipment was put into use, Mr. Chen was pleasantly surprised to find that the quality and efficiency of the workpiece had been greatly improved. “I am very satisfied with the cooperation!”


Good product quality has brought a surge in business orders. In order to expand the company’s leading edge as much as possible, in May and October 2022, Jining Yixiang once again purchased QUICK LASER 12000W, 30000W fiber laser cutting machines, 12050 heavy-duty type laser cutting machine.


“The 30000W laser cutting machine is nearly three times faster than the 12000W laser cutting machine! Now our monthly cutting capacity of steel plates reaches 800 tons, and the monthly finished products are more than 600 tons!” Mr. Chen said, “QUICK LASER Cutting Machine Let us realize the double-effect improvement of quality and production capacity!”


As a supplier of construction machinery components, the processing precision and quality requirements of its workpieces are very high. With high precision and good quality, the workpieces are naturally more confident in cutting. QUICK LASER cutting machine body has strong rigidity and stable operation. The finished product has no burrs, less dross on the inner wall, smooth cutting surface, and no secondary processing is required. At the same time, there are special process requirements for some workpieces with complex structures. QUICK LASER Technology Database With complete functions, it can carry out customized process research and development to meet the cutting needs of various mechanical parts.

bk tube laser cutting machine

Post time: Sep-17-2023