Common problems in debugging high power fiber laser cutting machines | QUICK LASER


High power fiber laser cutting machines have high machining accuracy, high speed and low cost. At the same time, it can minimize the surface damage of the cut metal plates. However, for the debugging of high power fiber laser cutting machine metal, certain basic experience is required:

1. Burr troubleshooting
(1) If the nozzle is not properly selected, replace the nozzle with a larger diameter to increase the gas flow.
(2) Negative defocusing does not match. Increase negative defocusing to make it penetrate the bottom position.
(3) Inadequate air pressure leads to insufficient cutting, so increase the air pressure appropriately.

2. Troubleshooting of residues
(1) If the nozzle is not properly selected, replace the nozzle with a larger diameter to increase the gas flow.
(2) If the speed is not appropriate, the reason for the speed is not ruled out and the speed is slowed down.
(3) The quality of the plate is poor, and the smaller diameter nozzle can not remove the slag, so it is recommended to select a better plate.

3. Inspection of deep cut lines
(1) If the nozzle is not properly selected, replace the nozzle with a smaller diameter.
(2) Excessive air pressure will cause streaks in overburning, and the air pressure shall be reduced appropriately.
(3) Improper speed, too fast or too slow will lead to over burning of stripes. It is recommended to adjust the speed to match the power and speed.

Post time: Sep-01-2023